The lovely weather got me and two friends out to breakfast and then to Crystal Springs Rhododendron Gardens for a little duck watching. The Garden is located in southeast Portland across the street from Reed College. It's fed by a natural spring that runs through Reed and the college maintains a natural lake that's a nice contrast to the manicured rhodie gardens. Both are great for ducks and one can sometimes see a dozen species of waterfowl. Spring and summer see fewer ducks, as most have moved north to breed, but swallows and the resident waterfowl make visits rewarding. If you have never seen a coot or wood duck chick then check this place out come spring.

Many duck butts were in evidence.

Lots o Scaup

Buffleheads aplenty

And lest you forget.......the always photogenic Canada Goose!

Double-crested Cormorants
Today's Bird List:
Great Blue Heron
American Wigeon
Lesser Scaup
Hooded Merganser
American Coot
Pied-billed Grebe
Wood Duck
Double-crested Cormorant
Canada Goose
American Crow
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Red-winged Blackbird
Bewick's Wren
American Robin
You beat me to it. I haven't even downloaded my photos. I love the one with the reflection of the Canada Goose...very artsy. It was fun!
Yep, groceries and laundry can wait til after I've completed the blog entry. Well, maybe it was more of an avoidance move.....
That is a great shadow picture of the Canada Goose! It looks like it might have a bow tied on its back in its shadow replica. Very nice.
Very cool photos! We are definitely going to have to make it up to Crystal Springs soon. Thanks!
I like feeding the squirrels peanuts at crystal. Was kind of obsessed with it actually. Great photos Laura!
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