
Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Penguin!

This video appeared in my inbox today and I wanted to post it for all to see! I wish I had seen something like this when I went to Antarctica!!


NW Nature Nut said...

Very cute! Not sure about the music though. Was that from your mom?

Seth and Michelle said...

Pretty cool stuff. I wasn't going to say anything about the music, but now that Nut has opened up the topic for discussion...

Great post.

Unknown said...

Happy Orcas! for having fun playing with their food!

Grateful Penguin! for finding a safe haven in a tourist boat!

That could have all ended very badly for the penguin indeed...

Laura W. said...

Yeah, the music was an interesting choice. The last bit sounds like my cat yowling.

Melma said...

We're just back from that magical place, and in our group was Lars Jonsson, a Swedish bird artist. He did drawings or paintings at every landing, and when he was painting an Adelie parent & chick, a skua came and took the chick. Very exciting.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I liked the music. It's what you hear on all the boats that travel the Southern ocean! As far as the penguin goes, I feel bad for the Orca. Who knows, with out the artificial interference from the boat, maybe the orca would have survived. There are plenty of penguins to go around!

Beverly said...
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Beverly said...

Since you like Antarctica, you'll love John Carlson's Prairie Ice at

I sent that clip to him a couple months might be interested to see what he had to say about it, too. His post is here:

I agree with the folks who felt the music odd... but the behavior of the folks in the little boat was the strangest; in my mind, anyway. And when I first saw it, I had no idea how Orcas hunted, I just think its nuts to be that close to a wild animal that big…when it’s so preoccupied! LOL

(sorry about the first truncated the URLs)

Beverly said...


Okay, look for John's November '08 post called: Lucky Penguin, Lucky People

sorry, I don't know why blogger won't let us post specific blogger/blog addresses.

Laura W. said...

Beverly - I certainly agreed with his comment about respecting the Orca as a predator even though they are not known to attack humans.....I would not want to be in that boat with orcas all around. I was a little glib in my post when I said "I wish I could have seen something like this!" because actually I'm glad I didn't. I wasn't too happy about the artificial interference either. I might go back and change what I I don't look like I just want to post America's Funniest Home Videos or something....

Anders said...

Cool video!
Are those guys Norwegians in the boat?


Alan Pulley said...

That was definitely one smart penguin! Enjoyed the video.