Today's challenge was snow! It snowed all day but still the birders came. The neat thing about this event is that all kinds of people show up; longtime birders, newbies, kids, people who didn't even know a Kestrel existed until they saw one through our scope. Our job as naturalists is to draw people in with a smile and exclaim "Have you seen the Eagle through the scope??!!" You know those adults....they hang back.....unlike the kids who run right up to the scope for a peek.

I tried more digiscoping and got some nice-ish shots of a male American Kestrel eating a meadow vole that practically outweighed its captor. Lots of water spots on the scope lens and snow obscured the clarity, too. But I'm happy.

Despite the less than ideal weather and visibility conditions we saw several Bald Eagles, many Northern Harriers, one male Kestrel, one Cooper's Hawk, a few Red-tailed Hawks, Snow Geese, Canada Geese, Common Mergansers, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Sandhill Cranes, and a Coyote hunting in a field. A good time was had by all!
Great report! Wonderful snow! Awesome kestrel! Thank you for all the terrific pictures.
(says Mom)
Wow. I was thinking of you as it was coming down today. Brrrr! I'm glad to see more digiscoping experimentation. The Kestral shot is cool.
We really wanted to go on the raptor trip but we couldn't pull it off. Now, I'm even more sad we didn't go. :( Those are some great shots. And, OMG! That is the largest set of binos I have ever seen! I guess we could mortgage the house and get them?
It's a yearly event so be sure to come in 2009! Maybe next year we'll get a hurricane?!
cool laura. glad to see you are still doing this. maybe I won't work weekends next year and I can do it too. Love your photos!
Hey! I'm leading a call for more posts! Just kidding. I'm sure you are plenty busy, but, seriously though, how's the yard?
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