I love taking shadow shots. Maybe it's due to my memories of
The Exploratorium in San Francisco where the Shadow Box would imprint your shadow on the wall for a few moments. Maybe it's just my arty side. I like to have memories that aren't just faces, scenery, etc. So here are some of them....actually this may be ALL of them....in which case I have to get on it and take more shadows!

What a great collection! Where was the last one taken and how did you get that bird to pose with you??
It was taken on Tern Island. Birds constantly hovered around my head so it was just a matter of time before I captured the right shot. For the record, the bird is a Sooty Tern.
I love your shadows here, and in your other posts as well. I think they are wonderfully creative and it is a wonderful idea that I will try sometime too.
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