My mother and stepdad visited last week and I took them up to Ridgefield to walk the Kiwa Trail. Located within the River S Auto Tour route, the trail is closed for winter and has only been open a few weeks now. What a treasure!! I'd been there just once before and am most often up there in winter. We saw over 40 species of birds including Yellow-headed Blackbird (unusual west of the Cascades), Sora, Virginia Rail, Wilson's Snipe, Blue-winged Teal, Yellow Warbler and on and on and on. I highly recommend a trip to the refuge in spring.
That is an awesome tree! i will have to check out that trail when zi get to that area. I was looking to subscribe to your blog by email but dont notice a link for that..
That looks so nice! It makes me want to go, and soon. It sure is nice that you have a scope-packer!
That is an awesome tree! i will have to check out that trail when zi get to that area.
I was looking to subscribe to your blog by email but dont notice a link for that..
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