It was a very productive day with the
Wingscapes BirdCam aimed at my suet feeder. Many many customers came around in a short period of time. It took so many photos that my card was full by 1pm. That's just fine.....I had lots to work with. I'm offering Insect Lover's Nutty Feast, a high quality suet sold at
Backyard Bird Shop.
First off, whose rump is this?? Think it over.....and the answer will be at the end (no pun intended) of this post.

One cool thing is the number of flickers I'm seeing these days. Yesterday I saw an individual showing markings of both the Red-shafted and Yellow-shafted races of the Northern Flicker; it had a red moustache AND a red arrow on the back of the head. I've heard that hybrids are quite common in the Willamette Valley in winter. Today I caught it on camera!

Do you see who's lurking in the background of this one?

And here's another individual; a female Red-shafted with the usual markings.

And here's one that looks to be a Yellow-shafted female. Neat!

Here's the rest of the crew that visited today.....

Scrub Jay

Song Sparrow

Scads of Bushtits

Chestnut-backed Chickadees and Red-breasted Nuthatch (look carefully)
And the answer to the Rump at the top is...........

Bewick's Wren!
Thanks for playing!
Well that was fun visiting thru your webcam. It actually takes some nice pictures! I didnt realize that they were so good. I think the shot of the bush tits munching down is great.
hungry bunch...
Great photos! I put my birdcam out this morning on the ground, but now I'm thinking of moving it to the suet. I love that you have all that variety, and you have the basic #2917 suet cage. Fancy-schmancy! I am using the Nutty Feast right now too and they seem to love it!
PS I guessed Bewicks--yah!
Wow! I just sent you an email about my suet feeder activity today, and then paid your blog a visit. I guess it's suet season.
HoleyMoley, you had a full house! What fun; thanks for sharing. Some day I'd like to have a the meantime, I'll visit yours, here. heh heh heh
I've never seen a bushtit...but the pictures of them nearly always look like your suet feeder; full of 'em! Too fun...
What a wonderful job that camera does!! And what a wonderful variety of bird visitors you got! I would love to see a Red-shafted Flicker as it looks like such a beautiful bird.
Love the photos! We have never seen so many Bushtits on one feeder at the same time. How cool. Great photos of the Flickers, too!
Don't you just love the blogger snow? It seems appropriate....
It's the first day of winter and it's snowing on your blog! I love it. I think we in the Bay Area are among the few Americans not in the midst of horrible weather.
Update: Michelle and I just got a BirdCam. Any tips for us?? You seem to have yours down pretty good!
Very cool! Makes me wonder what I'm missing by only looking out the window from time to time rather than going high tech?!
If folks are not clicking on the photos to see full size, they are missing a treat.
Beverly at RuralChatter blog sent me over as I'd told her I had a Bewick's Wren at my peanut feeder for the first time ever.
It was interesting to see your Pacific style wren; much browner than our NM style.
Hi Laura. Thanks for visiting my blog, and also for sharing all these great photos. You certainly do get a lot of suet customers. Your blog is the second where I've seen a Jay eating suet. I had no idea until recently that they would eat suet! I've been trying to attract Jays to my feeders, but haven't had any luck so far. I'll keep trying, though. I didn't guess the Bewick's correctly. Oh well.
Hi Friend,Very interesting blog.I visited your site and hope you will do the same.
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Impressive quality - I want one of those!
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